Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Teaching to the test--Hooray!!

At school we are in full out CST (California Standards Test) mode—all CST, all the time.  The test is two weeks away and now all we do every day is prepare for the test.  No more writing, no more computers, no more projects—just practice questions, test taking tips, and motivational speeches. 

I don’t know how it will go.  I have such a hard time getting them to focus on a brief set of questions that I have difficulty imagining them sitting and focusing for the four 2-hour sessions coming up.  On the other hand, they claim that when it’s the real test and not a practice test, they will act differently.

Anyway, I guess there’s some value in focusing on a specific event like a test.  The CST measures valuable skills, but it still accounts for only a small fraction of what students should be learning and practicing as they grow up.  These other important milestones of maturing academically and emotionally are less measurable however and thus less valued.  That’s not good.

I haven’t posted for a while.  There’s a lot of new stuff happening, and the job remains fascinating and engaging. I have more things to write about from the couple of months I have not blogged, but I’ll get caught up later. 

 I confess to being a little discouraged by the lack of any feedback.  There are so few comments that I start feeling like no one is reading my brilliant and insightful posts.  Maybe no one is reading them, or maybe they’re not so brilliant or insightful.  Anyway, if you’re reading, could you leave a brief comment?  Thanks.