Friday, November 5, 2010

Save us from the "Independent Voters"!

My life at YOKA continues to be an action-packed thrill-ride!  I have a lot to tell you about the education of 7th grade boys, but I want to make a brief post about the political scene, particularly about hese "Independent Voters" that we keep hearing about.  After all, they just delivered the House of Representatives into the rapacious hands of the American corporate elite.  So who are these "Independent Voters"?

First of all, the word "independent" makes them sound noble somehow--free thinking, unfettered, untamed, blah, blah, blah.  But what are they really?  Consider...two years ago the "Independent Voters," these paradigms of rugged democracy, flocked to vote for Obama, a moderately liberal Democrat, and rejected the party of George Bush that had dragged the country into the worst recession since 1929.  Two years later, just last Tuesday, they hurled themselves into voting for all the Republicans who were saying the same things they had said for the eight years before that.

The truth is that these are not "Independent Voters"--rather they are ill-informed, unprincipled, and confused voters.  Conservatives and Republicans have clear views and stick with them.  Liberals and Democrats the same.  But increasingly this country is being controlled by the growing segment of the electorate that is so uninformed and confused that they can switch political beliefs in under a year.  These so-called "independents" are really just clueless!  Vaguely cranky about their situation, which is very insecure, they don't really understand much about the state of the economy and the nation, so they are prone to swing erratically back and forth based on slogans, rumors, misunderstandings, and lies.  To win their fickle votes, committed Democrats and Republicans resort to deceptive  and meretricious stratagems in 30 second television commercials.  Both parties (even mine) eschew meaningful discourse and seek desperately for yet one more empty slogan based on misrepresentation and oversimplification with which to mesmerize the fabled "Independent Voters." 

(If they knew what was happening they would know that Obama cut their taxes, reduced the deficit, and created millions of jobs in an economy that had lost tens of millions under the Reps.  But instead of actually knowing anything, they give vent to their insecurities and vapors by careening from liberal to conservative and back again with all the political understanding of pond scum.)

Anyway, they are calling the shots.  Thanks to the "independent Voters" we will now have at least two years of political inaction and neglect of the needs of the middle class.

So I propose banning the term "Independent Voters" and calling this particular demographic "Clueless Voters" or "Confused Voters" or even "Ignorant, Self-Indulgent, Shallow Voters."  Instead of swooning in awe of their unpredictable and capricious voting natures, we should urge them to go on long trips to far-away places in November.

I've had enough of these "Indepenent Voters."  Get a life guys!

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